Created with strong opinion, honesty and a range of humour our designs are not for the faint minded. This store is aimed at the people who keep the imagination in opinion. If you ‘Think outside the box’, like to investigate an alternate view or just love a good conspiracy theory, this store is for you.

We promise to constantly update our store with new designs and highlight issues in modern society that raise an eyebrow or two.

The primary objective of this creative adventure is to be 100% original and homegrown. All designs are initially conceived in the good old fashioned marriage of pencil and paper and then dragged, kicking and screaming, into the digital age using the appropriate software.

( To our knowledge ) No names and dates have been changed to protect those involved, no events have been exaggerated for dramatization and no animals were harmed in the making of this enterprise.

Any similarity between Backyard Sideshow and another artists work is purely coincidental and unintentional. Theft is not an admirable attribute, even in this age of the narcissist.